Welcome to Web3

I am happy to share with you that I was able to realize my projects related to my Web3 proposal.

If you want to remember the details about my proposal  click here

I have completed the necessary developments for the initial version of the projects, the details of which you can find in my proposal.

I tried to test the projects as much as possible and make them available without any issue. I would like to thank my friends who tested the projects and gave their feedback. I will continue to develop and improve projects in line with the feedback of our community members. I would be grateful if you could test our projects and give feedback.

I redesigned  priverse.org as a platform providing SDKs for software developers and services for developing decentralized apps on Navcoin blockchain.

You can find the details with a summary of the completed projects below also you can  browse the docs for Web3 projects.

I would like to  thank everyone who supported me with their votes in the realization of the projects. I would like to give special thanks to our lead core developer @aguycalled, who always puts a lot of effort into developing the infrastructure necessary for the existence and realization of these projects.

Navcoin Wallet Chrome Extension

Key Features

Navcoin Wallet Chrome Extension is available on Google Web Store.

 Get Navcoin Wallet Chrome Extension

Private NFT Marketplace

Key features

Designed pages

 Voting continues for the activation of Private NFT and Private Token features on the mainnet. Once the consensus change is accepted, the NFT marketplace will switch from testnet to mainnet.

 Go to Marketplace

Game Engine SDKs

Key Features

Source codes & Sample projects

You can find the source codes and sample projects related to Web3 projects below.

 Navcoin Wallet Chrome Extension

 Priverse Private NFT Marketplace

 Unity SDK Sample Project

 Unreal Engine SDK Sample Project

 Web3 SDK dApp Sample Project

Relase Notes (1.0.3)

Private NFT Marketplace

Navcoin Wallet Chrome Extension

Relase Notes (1.0.4)

Private NFT Marketplace

Navcoin Wallet Chrome Extension